yoshiepen’s journal







METのサイトで検索をかけると確かにありました。MET収蔵の山田真山作「Monk Ippen Giving a Warrior the Tonsure and His Wife as a Lay Buddhist Nun」にマコが「解説文」もどきをつけていました。ただし「adapted by John T. Carpenter, February 3, 2022」となっている。これはマコが彼に出した日本語を翻案したということだろう。これを「就職」とは、「白髪三千丈」も真っ青の誇大広告。こんなインチキ解説文を書いたくらいではPh.D.(博士号、それも欧米のもの)も学芸員としてのきちんとした職歴がないマコのような者が、METどころか小さな美術館でも就職は無理だろう。もちろん給料ももらっていないだろうと推測していたら、案の定「ボランティア」ですって。笑ってしまった。これじゃビザ取得は難しい。










さてマコの「Mako Komuro, adapted by John T. Carpenter, February 3, 2022」とされている「解説」はどんな代物か?ひとことで言えばそれはツッコミどころ満載のものだった。マコ解説の冒頭部はCarpenter氏の解説をほぼそのまま踏襲している。以下の斜字体部分。つまり案そのものは彼女から出たものの、実際はCarpenter氏が彼女の日本語を体裁の整った英語に翻案したと思われる。

This diptych of hanging-scroll paintings appears to be inspired directly by scenes from the Illustrated Biography of Monk Ippen (Ippen hijiri-e), which is best known from a narrative handscroll (emaki) version created in 1299, now designated as a National Treasure, but as well as from later copies and photographic reproductions. Which version Shinzan had access to is impossible to determine. The original set of twelve scrolls describes the religious career of Monk Ippen (1239–1289), founder of the Ji sect of Buddhism, which placed faith in Amida Buddha, and advocated the practice of nenbutsu, or the recitation of Amida’s name. In 1278, continuing his travels throughout Japan, Ippen was spreading his teachings in Fujii in Bizen province (present-day Okayama). Though hundreds were moved by his preaching of the charismatic monk, the third section of Scroll 4 focuses on the experience one woman, the daughter-in-law of the head priest of Kibitsu Shrine in Okayama, who had a religious awakening (hosshin) and took Buddhist vows (shukke) during her husband’s absence. The original handscroll illustration shows her seated at an armrest receiving the tonsure from Ippen, while the scene in right scroll here shows her just after taking vows, dressed in the robes of a lay nun and holding a Buddhist rosary while seated at a (similar) armrest, surrounded by members of her household.


1.  斜字部分は上にあるJohn T Carpenter氏の解説部分そのままである。

2. 下線部の”the original handscroll”は真山の絵巻を指すのか、それとも一遍上人絵図を指すのか曖昧。

3.  解説文の誤り




件の第四巻第三段がどういうものなのか、ネット検索をかけてやっとそれがわかった。先史古代研究会 丸谷憲ニ氏の「安仁神社と『一遍上人絵伝』の藤井の政所」という論考のおかげである。リンクさせていただく。





『一遍上人絵伝』に出ているこれらの二場面を合わせ、それを真山が独自に解釈して描いたのがMETサイトに出ている山田真山作「Monk Ippen Giving a Warrior the Tonsure and His Wife as a Lay Buddhist Nun」ということなのだろう。



The woman on the far right of Shinzan’s painting resembles the person (probably a young man) in the handscroll version and both are shown in a very similar kneeling pose and holding their sleeves to their faces (to signify crying); in both depictions the figure’s hair is tied with a white ribbon, wearing a kimono with large blue decorative motifs. Also, in Shinzan’s rendition, in the alcove behind the nun is a scene of the Descent of Amida (Amida raigo, showing Amida Buddha descending from the Buddhist paradise to meet a recently deceased person), which was no doubt inspired by a painting of Amida descending on a cloud in the original handscroll version.



When her husband, a warrior and son of the head priest of Kibitsu Shrine in Okayama, returned home, he was so upset by his wife’s Buddhist conversion that he actually tried to slay Ippen with his sword (a scene shown in the original Ippen hijiri-e). He soon repented, however, and was inspired to convert to the Ji sect of Buddhism after Ippen spoke to him, and knew he was the son of the Shinto priest even though they had never met before.

マコは英語ができない。真っ当な英文を書くなんてことはできるはずもない。だからこの文全体がマコが提出した日本語解説を基にCarpenter氏が翻案したものと思われるが、それが教育出版社発行の『歴史の教科書』の第3章 「中世の日本と社会」の「導入資料解説」と似ている。







The scene depicted on the left scroll by Shinzan, clearly based on a version of the earlier pictorial biography of Ippen, depicts the son of the Shinto priest receiving the Buddhist tonsure from the famous monk. As with the right scroll, comparing Shinzan’s composition with two scenes from the Illustrated Biography of Monk Ippen, we can observe several aspects that they have in common such as postures of figures, clothing, background scenery, and accessories accompany the figures. For instance, Monk Ippen, with a darkened, sunburnt complexion, stands over the seated warrior with paler skin, and in both versions in the two men face to the right. The monk wearing simple black robes put his left hand on the man’s head while shaving off the warrior’s hair with his right hand. The man’s sword—a reminder of his attempt to kill Ippen—a wooden water bucket, and his courtier’s cap (folded eboshi) are on the ground nearby. In the background of both versions, there are trees with covered with moss and lichen, though Shinzan has rendered the foliage according to the modern conventions of Nihonga. 



